The Solid Ground Story
Solid Ground Church is located at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Not that long ago, this part of the Inland Empire was dominated by citrus groves and vineyards. When our church was planted over 40 years ago, Rancho Cucamonga was already well on its way to becoming what it is today: a thriving city of about 180,000 people.
Solid Ground Ministries consists of 3 branches of ministry; the church congregation, Alta Loma Christian School, serving hundreds of students from preschool-8th grade, and Hidden Oaks, our wedding and event venue. Together, these three ministries provide the vehicles to encourage, teach, bless and partner with families and individuals in our region to see the presence and power of God activated in our community.
We believe God has called us to partner with him to make the “Good News” of Jesus known to our city. It is our desire that the communities around Solid Ground church would have continuous and regular opportunity to hear the hope of the gospel. We take seriously the call to be good neighbors and friends to all those we meet. We believe God is at work in our city and it is our desire to partner with him and be available for his use.
Solid Ground Church is a congregation of the Brethren in Christ denomination. The headquarters of our church are located in Grantham, PA. You can read the statements of faith of the BIC church here.

Solid Ground Core Values
Experiencing God’s Love and Grace
We value the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Believing the Bible
We value the Bible as God’s authoritative Word, study it together and build our lives on its truth.
Worshipping God
We value heartfelt worship that is God-honoring, Spirit-directed, and life-changing.
Following Jesus
We value whole hearted obedience to Christ Jesus through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.
Belonging to the Community of Faith
We value integrity in relationships and mutual accountability in an atmosphere of grace, love, and acceptance.
Witnessing to the World
We value an active and loving witness for Christ to all people.
Serving Compassionately
We value serving others at their point of need, following the example of our Lord Jesus.
Pursuing Peace
We value all human life and promote forgiveness, understanding, reconciliation, and non-violent resolution of conflict.
Living Simply
We value uncluttered lives, which free us to love boldly, give generously, and serve joyfully.
Relying of God
We confess our dependence on God for everything, and seek to deepen our intimacy with Him by living prayerfully.