What to Expect at Solid Ground
Visiting a new church can be a little intimidating, especially if you have a different church background or, perhaps, none at all.
Here’s some information designed to make you feel more at home before you ever step onto our campus. Our goal is to make your first visit to Solid Ground a refreshing, invigorating, joy-filled experience.
Be casual and comfortable. There was a time when coming to church meant getting all dressed up. Those days are gone. Sure, we value modesty. But, whatever you wear, we know It’s who you are on the inside that matters.
Bring the kids! They’re always welcome to sit with you. But we also provide nursery care and a special program called SG Kids that features high-energy worship music, great Bible lessons, age-graded small-group discussions and lots of fun.
Sing with us. There are lots of reasons why Christians around the world sing when we gather together. First, it’s an expression of praise to God. (Not the only expression, but an important one!) Singing can also be a form of prayer that strengthens our bond with Jesus. Also, singing is one of the ways we encourage and motivate one another. Don’t worry if you’re not a great singer. It’s more about the heart than the harmony.
Be expressive if you want to. Some churches get uncomfortable if you raise your hands or say “Amen” out loud. Others object if you don’t. At Solid Ground, we encourage freedom in worship. But don’t be intimidated if you’re not the demonstrative type. God is more interested in who you are on the inside.
Get ready for a fresh perspective. Sermons at Solid Ground are meant to be the first words in a conversation, not the last. We welcome questions, comments and even honest disagreements as we search for God’s truth together. Our pastoral staff and guest speakers present time-tested biblical principles in plain language with humor and humility, along with lots of real-life illustrations and practical applications. .